Wariko, The Jackpot


Ali, a young police officer, lives peacefully with his modest family in a suburb of a large African city, with a brave wife, Awa, who helps him make ends meet through her loincloth trade. For reasons of currency, Awa is forced to take a lottery ticket, which she entrusts to her husband. The radio announces the result of the draw: Ali and his wife have won the jackpot: 3 million. It is the great joy in the family that is already coming out of the circle of the poor and also in the village where we hope to take advantage of the manna. Unfortunately, when it came time to touch the millions, the note disappeared! Irony of fate, the curse of the ancestors who feel somewhat forgotten by these city dwellers too absorbed by their daily problems or simply the original version of the note? from the systematic search of all the rooms of the house to the consultation of the diviners, everything is done to find this providential note that already makes all the members of the family dream.

Behind the scene