L’Enfant Terrible


Based on a famous Malian tale, "L'ENFANT TERRIBLE" tells us the story of a child with extraordinary powers, who from the day of his birth, speaks, eats and walks. At his father's request, he went in search of his older brother who had gone on an adventure. The mischievous child then leaves the family home and goes after him. The latter is surprised at his small size and doubts that his younger brother will be able to follow him in his steps, but the child is much more enduring than him. The younger one then begins to collect nonsense. Whenever the older child tries to stop him, the younger child reminds him of their father's advice and the older child is forced to withdraw his objection for fear of starting an argument. The cadet's undisciplined behaviour will cause them a lot of trouble. These animated dolls recount the adventure of an ungrateful little boy who leads his brother into his misdeeds.

Behind the scene