La Crêche D'hamed


Every year, Hamed helps his friend Marcel to build a crèche. This year, he wants to build one in his father El Hadj Moulaye's yard. An impossible dream because Moulaye, a fervent Muslim, does not appreciate his son's relationship with Marcel. However, the two friends are determined to offer little Jesus a second manger at Christmas. Moulaye wants to make his only son an Imam; he must therefore learn more about the Koran. Faced with his father's intransigence, Hamed asked Marcel's parents to intervene. Good neighbourly relations are being tested. Hamed's teacher tried to convince El Hadj Moulaye, but in vain. Will the crèche be built? "The "Hamed Nativity Scene" raises the issue of inter-religious relations, which are often misunderstood in our African societies.

Behind the scene