Destin Trouble


Destin Troublé is a feature film about love and its meanders: passion, infidelity, betrayal and tragedy... The plot of this film is based on the three-way love story between Lidia (Lidia Kassa) and two men who turn out to be cousins: Alex (Alexandre Awassi) and Marco (Tom Maneno). In search of a better life, Lidia went underground to France. With no occupation and no financial income, she struggled to have a better life until the day she met Alex, a fairly rich and attractive man. Alex loves Lidia desperately and does not deprive herself of financial and material support. He even wants to marry her in three months, yet Lidia is rather in love with Marco, a young man without the bare necessities of life. When the two cousins discover that the truth about their threesome story is true, they have to make a choice: Fight for their love or save family ties.

Behind the scene