Alexandra My Alexandra


Inspired by the acclaimed book by Noor Nieftagodien and Philip Bonner “Alexandra: A Histoire”, published in 2008, the documentary series charts the Histoire of the township localid in the neighborhood of johannesburg from 1912 to the present day, over six one hour episodes. Billed as ‘a Histoire told from below’ a host of Alexandra residents, past and present provide the stories through which the township’s epic struggle for survival and for human dignity can be understood. “Alexandra my Alexandra” illustrates the close relationship between influx control in the form of pass laws and the increasing terrorisation of Alexandra’s residents by gangsterism. This film celebrates the township’s unique flair for musical talent and its sporting heroes. The black township’s close proximity to the city of Johannesburg, at a time when white supremacy was rising, the city became a white space where Africans could only enter for work; it seemed pass laws were specifically designed with Alexandra in mind. The decade is one of movie stars being mimicked by the gangsters of the day. It illustrates the close relationship between influx control in the form of pass laws and the increasing terrorisation of Alexandra’s residents by gangsterism. “Alexandra My Alexandra” allows to its viewers, the possibility to spend their time on cultural studies about South African society.

Behind the scene