Campus U


The results of the baccalaureate have fallen and the new baccalaureate holders must take the road to university. But Rokayatou, the top of her promotion, is facing a serious problem: her father Hassan has made a deal with old Aladji Bello who plans for Rokayatou to return home after graduation. Despite her father's threats, Rokayatou wants to continue her studies and for this she can count on the support of her uncle Sali. Rokayatou receives threats from his father, who in turn is harassed by old Aladji Bello. Far from all this turmoil, Titi Essomba changed channels against his father's will, who did not hesitate to throw him out. CAMPUS U lifts a veil on the selfishness of parents and the difficult living conditions on university campuses.

Behind the scene