Hyenas' Sun


In a fishing village, somewhere on the Tunisian coast, we live calmly and peacefully at our own pace. Lamine blacksmith and trader the fisherman, tahar, whose wife dies in childbirth and many others are the vassals of Haj ibrahim the rich owner and abderamane, the omda (mayor). German real estate developers set their sights on the site. with the agreement of the administration and the notables who are self-employed there, a tourist centre is being built. Fishermen abandon their nets for the shovel, Tahar and his father-in-law resist, in vain. The omda is outdated, with tributary tourists disrupting the life of the village. Which is reorienting itself towards small trades. Because of his resistance, Tahar was arrested. When he was freed, fishing boats were used for sea excursions, lamine became, for his part, manager of the bazaar Haj ibrahim and the idiot of the village promoted to camel driver.

Behind the scene